Friday, January 19

forgive me

Oh my word I am horrible. I was doing pretty good it was about every week with a blog and there have been many blogs I have thought to write but they never get on here. There have been some changes in my Internet access so I haven't been able to be on as frequently as usual. And to top things off ministry has been so busy since my last post.

Now that you know all my excuses I will continue. I don't have a specific blog right now, sorry to disappoint. But God has done some amazing things in the last month and a half. Last time I posted was simply the beginning of the out pour of God's provision for the ministry. From the 6th of Dec. to the 31st we received as a ministry $22,000+ from 24 different donors. December is usually big but not this big. We had been in the middle of praying to see God work as some people were starting to worry because we had a few bills piling up and work to be done on the building. God showed up and then some. It is just incredible to see him work. On the 3rd of Dec. we went at a staff to the prayer hut at Cedarly Pastors retreat and prayer together for a whole morning and into the afternoon. It was so affirming to to the Lord's hand after we committed as a staff to continue to walk by faith in all that we do. Not that we had last faith but it was tough with people on every side trying to fix our 'problems' and Gods tardiness in there eyes.

We have begun planning for the summer already which is so exciting to think about I can't wait for it to be here. Some prayer things for that: wisdom for the locations we are to be doing wRap Kidz at as we feel they may change this year, for interns who are committed to the kids and ready to grow with the Lord, for wisdom in structural changes we feel we need to make, for a possible new middle school program, leadership for other discipleship ministry for young men, and for us to continue to have the faith to step out on new things God has for us!

We are working on our website which is wonderfully exciting, please pray that we would get it done in the steps we have laid out with the information and structure that will be honoring to the Lord and his work here.

Overall things are kind of finally in a lull. Since Thanksgiving there had been much to do with things that were donated which needed to be delivered. We had a wonderful turnout of new families who came and passed out the Wish List Christmas presents right before Christmas. It was an awesome day. Then I left to go to Mark's parents at 5am on Christmas day after we did Christmas with my family on Christmas eve. We were there until the 29th and we came home and had a pre-new years eve party with friends on the 30th as we would be gone for New Years eve. We left on the 31st in the morning to take students to Passion in Atlanta, GA. We arrived home from that on the 6th and we had a busy week back with stuff at work. We did a movie night last week and then had a board meeting, and groups come in to deliver sleeping bags and a coffee house on Saturday. So needless to say we have been busy.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support. I am hoping to be better at updating this now.

1 comment:

Ralph said...

Well I'm glad that you shared something, and especailly that it related to your growth in faith. I hope that I can do as well as you do now that I finally started a blog too. It's a good way to keep up with friends that are now miles away, and doing different things... and of course it aides me as I keep you in prayer, you're a special gal in Him