Thursday, February 16


so today i shoveled partly because my dad shouldn't be shoveling with his back, age and other conditions. especially not when he still has young blood living in the house. so i shoveled.

i guess it wasn't all because i didn't want my dad to hurt himself although this is true, i wanted to wear my snow pants.

i love my snow pants. i am not sure why other than the fact that when i wear them i feel minorly like a super hero, indestructible. for instance if someone were to see my shoveling and the fresh snow and want to push me over or tackle me while in my snow pants, i would be ok with that.

i have been in the house getting warm for the past twenty minutes and i still have me snow pants on because they are so comfortable also.

if you have seen me in action with my snow pants on, you understand it brings a smile to my face and a freedom in my movement.

sleding anyone... winter capture the flag wiht jr. high kids... broom ball...

snow pant woman.


Jerica said...

heh. heh.

"and I would be okay with that."

they're like Jesus pants!

i wanna get some.

Tory Jane said...

hahaha... I can totally picture you right now Katee, in our "I can do anything" snow pants. Kind of like, "Come on world, I'll take you on!" Funny mental image. Yesterday should have provided a snow pant paradise. And today's even prettier (but colder) out. Rock on for snow pants.