Friday, December 23

Pleasantly surprised

so, i graduated from college last weekend. i personally am not exactly sure how i feel about this accomplishment just yet. i mean it is a great feat to achieve but when the question comes what is next, it kind of makes me want to cry. i have no idea. i think this is okay for now, i am sure i will find my way. this year has held a lot of loses for me, some good and healthy and others by default, graduation. the rest of these thoughts are for another day.

i was delightfully confused on Sunday while my boyfriend was in the midst of putting together, to the last detail, a surprise graduation a party for me. you see my parents didn't seem to make a big deal about my graduation i was a little saddened because everyone kept telling me what an accomplishment i have made and great job. and my family as wonderful as they are didn't say too much. their are so many other issues at hand here, it is probably not that they didn't notice or care they do have a lot going on. so, i didn't want to burden anyone with making them sit through a huge ceremony, i didn't really want to either. so, it was sunday i had been informed for about a week that i could come over to mark's after church but had to be gone from 5pm-7pm. i thought it highly weird as sunday is our day together.

5pm came around and michelle came to pick me up, so we could go and venture off together for 2 hours. i had some ideas in my head of why but i couldn't figure out what was going on. i thought mark was going to make me dinner but then when we went out to lunch at 3ish i thought it a little weird. that idea was tossed. i really didn't have too many thoughts. michelle and i were out and she was like what do you think is going on, so i told her some of my thoughts but all seemed a little odd. then she looks at me and says "do you think he is going to propose?" i began to freak out a little and was like michelle what do you know, did he talk to you? she didn't say to much else, i didn't think this was a good thought but could it really be?

we arrive back at mark's i had to take a bunch of bags up to his apartment and one of the handles broke, so i am struggling and michelle (who needs to get up to the party somehow) says "would you like me to help?" i said "no". i got the bag together enough so i could get upstairs. mark opened the door and i went in to find a group of my favorite people in the world.

it was a little overwhelming, as a surprise should be. it was really great i felt good about graduating for the first time. i felt special, l felt loved. not that those feelings aren't always there but when someone goes out of their way for you, when people drive an hour to be there for you after driving for 8 hours, i makes those feeling all the more enhanced.

he thought of every thing according to me, from aparagaus appetizer to the people he invited. i must say i have the most amazing boyfriend in the world!

1 comment:

Tory Jane said...


Congratulations on graduating, and I'm glad you had such a cool graduation party! Way to go Mark.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas up in GR.