Tuesday, December 20

some words

for 24 years i have been listening to christmas music. i mean it comes on non stop starting right after thanksgiving and continues. when you work in retail which i have for the last 10 years, your place of employment usually requires that chirstmas music is played continuously.

this year, i have tried harder to listen to the words, because i am like there has to be something here. and low and behold there are great jewels in the rough. as old as some songs are when you find these words in a song that suddenly mean so much i wait for songs to come on the radio now. the truth that is laced within so many songs is incredible. this season is so offensive to those who don't believe in Jesus Christ. The lyrics in most christmas songs are satans demise if people really listened.

a few that have hit me are...
the third verse of silent night

Silent night, holy night!
Son of God love's pure light.
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.

Jesus Lord at thy birth. WOW, i can't remember how many times i sang this song for christmas concerts in grade school or at church during advent. this line never had so much of an impact on me. that little babe wrapped in swaddling clothing was the Lord Jesus Christ who came into this world, for me and you! He was Lord at thy birth. makes you pause a moment.

the other song that has really stuck out this year is O, Holy night...

Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth.

Fall on your knees! Oh hear the angel voices!
Oh night divine! Oh night when Christ was born!
Oh night divine! Oh night! Oh night divine!

till he appeared and the soul felt it's worth, WOW that one makes you stop and think also. i often think of being on your knees as a humble state, i do no not find my self their as often as i should. People came and knelt at the crib to see Jesus Christ the babe, our Lord and savior. They recognized him as Christ the Lord, Emmanuel and we fail to do that with all that we have.

i hope that you have found some jewels in the rough this season within songs of the holiday or scripture that has been read and is so familiar take a moment to read it fresh. have a very merry Christmas!

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