Monday, November 14

a few days

okay so i have discovered that i am not that good at this. i can't find things too write about. there doesn't seem to be much floating around in my head these days to post about. i worked this morning at 5am it was okay then i came home and slept from 1:30 - 4:15pm which was way too long i didn't end up getting anything done and as i say that i sit here and write nothing on my blog. the irony of it all. i guess i am trying to get used to it maybe this will never be for me but i would never know that if i didn't give it a try right?

i have to go to class now...that is good i am sure i will have something to rant about after class this class always seems to set a fire under me about some issue because people in the class feel that there is so much injustice in the world and we are all out to make life so hard for the minorities. which i think is complete crap, i am not going to stand here and say that minorities have it easy or anything like that but not everyone is out to get you or cheat you. making change in a community and society is very difficult to do and when you stand and say poor me poor me nothing is going to change in that sense.

my prof. for this class is horrendous. i am glad for class evaluations this semester. he canceled class three weeks ago and didn't email or any thing so we all showed up to find out we didn't have to be there and we had a major paper due. i won't complain about the paper because it gave us an extra week to revise it (which i barely did). the following week in class he doesn't say anything about missing class the week prior not apology or anything. i don't need to know specifics but give me a break.

look at the i am heated up already and i haven't even been to class... 34 days 'till graduation and only 4 monre weeks of class! oh i can't wait ... oh i am so nervous about finding a job and life after structure for 20 odd years of my life!

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