Sunday, November 20

learned something new today

bonsai new passion

so i went to the holiday folk fair today and who would have thought they would have bonsai trees there, but they did. it was actually a contest of sorts these trees were on display about 20 in total they ranged from 2 years to 40 years old and were the coolest plants i have ever seen. i want to grow them... he he he... christmas present hints... bonsai trees for katee.

i wanted to know how to grow them and what they are all about. so i visited some websites and found some information. they are mini trees i realzie with my lack of knowledge i am probably not labeling them correctly. i thought they were the coolest things i have seen in a long time i could have stood and looked at them all day seriously. some of the their leaves were chaning colors or falling off. one was a little forest with like 8 trees in the pot. one had roots that went over the top of a rock. incredible. some are 25 cm. tall and others grow to be as tall as one meter (3.33ft). you can plant them from seeds or from another tree, and then you prune and train the tree to grow in the desired shape. you can pinch off new growth and repot to keep it in the desired size and shape.

as i was searching for bonsai tree information i stumbled upon one site that sells bonsai trees so i checked them out, the cheapest was about $2,500 and the most expensive one was $10,000. the seed are only $4.95. what a lucrative buisness takes a long time to develop becasue these trees were older in years, but a good way to spend retirement if i start now. who cares about a 401k i got bonsai trees to sell!

check out

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